Intentional Letter: Self-Awareness
An idea (self-awareness)
Studies show that the best leaders are self-aware leaders, but how do you become more self-aware? It's important to know that there are two types of self-awareness: internal and external. For both, we will always have imperfect information.
Today, I want to offer two simple ways to begin increasing your internal self-awareness.
1. Commit to studying yourself. Zoom out and study yourself like a scientist. Try to pay special attention to the emotions you experience on a day to day basis. Don't treat the emotions as good or bad. Just study them and become more away of the feelings you experience most often. Pay particular attention to the strongest emotions you experience and how you tend to react to these emotions. Again, no judgment. Just try to examine your feelings and your default reactions.
2. Keep a simple journal. I teach regularly about this topic, and I find most people don't have a practice of journaling. I've journaled for years. It's one of the first things I do each day, and I often record things I'm excited about and areas of stress and anxiety. I regularly go back to review my journals, and I notice that the things I was stressed about tend to work themselves out over time. This gives me a better perspective on my present moment, and it has helped me become more aware of my default stressors, which all tend to be okay in the end. With journaling, start small. Jot down a win for the day. Do this for 30 days and before you know it you've developed this simple -- yet powerful -- practice.
P.S. All of this is making you a more emotionally intelligent person and leader.
A question
What is it like to be on the other side of your leadership (at home, at work, and in your community)?
A quote and resource
"Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful." John Wooden
The Mission
I am on a mission to help thousands of leaders gain clarity, courage, community, and consistency in their lives. Thank you for joining me on this journey!
I'm rooting for you,
➡️ When you're ready, I can help you gain more joy and deep clarity with my Core Values Mini Course. It has helped over 150 leaders live a truly intentional life. Join here 🎯
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