Discover Your Core Values Mini Course
Introduction and Welcome by me
Module 1: Why Core Values Matter
Module 2: How to Discovery Your Core Values
Intro to Module 2
The Eulogy Exercise
The Key People Exercise
The Top Moments Exercise
Module 3: Making Core Values Practical
PLUS a 1 hour Coaching Call with Me
Get Instant Access to Discover Your Core Values Mini Course
This course will help you discover your 3-5 core values and walk you through how to make your core values show up in your daily life.
Most people don't know their core values.
As result, people often struggle to confidently go through life. They end up constantly responding to the expectations of others or wrestle with comparison.
I will walk you through three personal exercises to help you discover your core values and how to make them personal to you.
Here is the roadmap for this mini course (8 videos plus exercise guides)
Introduction and Welcome by me
Module 1: Why Core Values Matter
Module 2: How to Discovery Your Core Values
Intro to Module 2
The Eulogy Exercise
The Key People Exercise
The Top Moments Exercise
Module 3: Making Core Values Practical